I’m a third-year undergrad at Northeastern University majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience and Design, with an interest in finding the intersection between psychology and design (my two favorite fields to study) and using that knowledge to create beautiful, functional, and accessible products and interfaces! As a UX/UI designer, I’ve loved viewing and creating art for as long as I can remember, and am passionate about and excited to take my knowledge of science and apply it to something tangible and in ways that can directly help people!
Outside of coursework, I hold design and leadership positions multiple student-led software development organizations across campus, including Generate Product Development and Sandbox Northeastern. In my free time, I like to bake, go on walks around Boston, visit any and every type of museum, and watch sitcoms. I also love musical theatre (I did set design all throughout high school) and hope to start seeing some more shows soon!
I’m originally from New York City, and part of what made me interested in my major was seeing growing up in such a diverse area and seeing how everyone was able to function as a community while not losing their own individual identities. I became really interested in understanding how certain products were designed to meet the needs of everyone, or sometimes only certain people, and wanted to study how to create things that everyone can use and enjoy, and hopefully even bring these different communities together.
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