Persona for a potential rider

Persona for a potential driver

Sitemap for CarpoolNU website

Onboarding Page Version 1

Onboarding Page Version 2

Onboarding Page Version 3

The onboarding layout I ended up using was similar to the earlier versions I experimented with

Main Landing Page Version 1

Main Landing Page Version 2

Main Landing Page Version 3

I chose to use Version 1

Main Landing Page Map when a pin has been clicked on

Route Preview Popup

Connect with other users by sending an email to them

Favorites Tab

Received Connection Requests Tab

Sent Connection Requests Status Tab

Onboarding Page for Driver (mostly blank)

Onboarding Page Error States (when not all required information is entered before hitting complete)

Initial landing page after users log in or complete onboarding - map with side panel showing recommended users

Users can click on a pin on the map to see any user's profile and connect with them - they can scroll or click anywhere else on the map to make the card disappear

Screen where users can see their populated message and edit it before sending a connection request email

Users can favorite any user card and see them in the favorites tab

Option to accept a connection request or decline it (by hitting the close button) in the received requests tab

Users can see what requests they've sent out and the status of those requests in the sent requests tab